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Malta MRC

Public Access Defibrillators

Install AEDs as public access and get to know where they are - 12.10.2022

Adults who suffer a sudden cardiac arrest might benefit of a shock delivered by an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). For every minute the shock is delayed, the chance of survival decreases by 7%. That is why AEDs were developed to guide a non-trained bystander to deploy it effectively using voice prompts. Being trained makes the process faster and more efficient, improving the chance of survival overall.

That is why AEDs need to be accessible to the public and easily located.

The Malta Resuscitation Council recommends:

• All entities who are considering installing an AED for their private premises to do so in a place which is public access within their perimeter and have appropriate signage for easy location

• All entities who already have AEDs within their premises to consider moving them in a public space within their perimeter and have appropriate signage for easy location

• All entities who have an AED to register on already available applications which individuals can download and use to easily locate the nearest AED.

The Malta Resuscitation Council further encourages everyone in our communities to learn how to administer CPR. Basic Life Support Courses teach the correct and safe delivery of CPR which can mean the difference between life and death for a close relative or a total stranger. Anyone can learn CPR, including young children! The Malta Resuscitation Council is actively working and promoting the introduction of resuscitation training in the National Curriculum

October 16th is World Restart a Heart Day, a yearly awareness celebration of the essential nature of bystander CPR.

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