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MRC supports Valletta as a Heart Friendly City

The Malta Resuscitation Council, in conjunction with the Malta Heart Foundation (MHF), have donated 8 AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) together with their protective boxes and stands to Valletta. These have now been set up at strategic points around the Capital, where crowds are likely to aggregate, thereby helping to make Valletta a ‘Heart Friendly’ city.

The Valletta AEDs were inaugurated by the Hon Mr Chris Fearne, Deputy Prime Minister, and Hon Dr Deo Debattista, Parliamentary Secretary for V18, in the presence of Prof Simon Attard Montalto, Chairman MRC, and Dr Samuel Attard, Chairman, MHF

The Valletta AEDs were inaugurated by the Hon Mr Chris Fearne, Deputy Prime Minister, and Hon Dr Deo Debattista, Parliamentary Secretary for V18, in the presence of Prof Simon Attard Montalto, Chairman MRC, and Dr Samuel Attard, Chairman, MHF

This MRC-MHF initiative was eagerly supported by the Ministries of Health and Valletta-18 who were instrumental in ensuring the project was completed before the end of 2018, when Valletta’s tenure as European City of Culture ends. In addition, the Division of Health has taken on the maintenance contract for these AEDs. The project is also indebted to the Valletta Local Council for their support and the Valletta Business Community whose members kindly offered the power supply for some of the AEDs.

Valletta is now the first area in Malta that is populated by an appreciable number of truly public-access AEDS that are available for use to all on a 24/7 basis. Although many other areas in Malta do have AEDs, the vast majority of these are housed in institutions that are not ‘open’ at all times and these AEDs are, therefore, not accessible 24/7.

The MRC and MHF would hope that other localities in Malta will now take up the baton and ensure that their area is also ‘Heart Friendly’ by installing their own public-access AEDs.

Click here to find the map with all AEDs available in Malta & Gozo.

In collaboration with:

Malta Heart Foundation

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