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WRHD Courses

The Malta Resuscitation Council has had a couple of busy weeks working on the World restart a heart day.

The first was a meeting with the minister of Health Mr Chris Fearne and the winner of the ERC CPR competition . The world Restart a Heart Day was discussed and the minster was very supportive to the aim of this initiative which is to try to ensure that Basic Life Support is taught to a everyone including our young generation.

Teaching of around 400 12 year old School children at 4 schools around Malta this was done as a moring acticity at the schools on two days.

The Twenty four basic Instructor course candidates held on the 12th October 2019 supported the initiative and were eager to help out in the events.

The candidates of two Neonatal Life Support Courses held on the 18th and 19th October, 48 in all, were also keen.

The other couses organised around this event included three Immediate life support course in Gozo the candidates were all very enthusiastic and keen to of the help support the world restart a heart day.

As well as the candidates on Basic life support courses on the 5th October . Our thanks goes to all the instructors both local and overseas who helped out with these initiatives from their free time.

Finally on Sunday 20th October at the Mater Dei Hospital membersof MRC held an event in association with the Maltese Cardiac society and taught patients ,relatives and some staff the simple Check Call Compress


Photos curtesy Mr Mark Caruana

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